Comparator Sourcing


In need of comparator drugs for clinical trials or drug samples for testing? 

We can help.

No sourcing project is too big or too small.  Our in-house pharmaceutical sourcing specialists utilize a global network of leading manufacturers, wholesalers, and carefully selected QA-qualified healthcare professionals to provide cost-effective access to virtually any product. Just tell us the quantity and we will partner to make it happen—including difficult-to-source items. Whether you are seeking a single bottle for testing, large numbers of comparator product for a trial, or a comprehensive package that includes manufacturing, blinding, packaging and labeling, warehousing and distribution, we can customize a sourcing program especially for your needs.

It is natural for manufacturers to be reluctant to supply their product as a comparator for a clinical trial or as samples for testing for generics, as ultimately using them in this way could lead to their drug being superseded by a competitor’s product and eventually lead to lost revenue. However, comparator drug clinical trials and testing is essential in development of better drugs and for competition to work its magic on drug pricing and efficacy. It’s a moral dilemma between profit maximization and medical advancement. For Trial Sponsors, comparator sourcing is, therefore, challenging both politically and from a supply chain perspective. Koziatek Consulting can obtain the drugs you need for betterment of our healthcare.